Safeguarding Adults at Risk Training for Community Groups

Target Audience

The participant will learn about what is required for your organisation to safeguard Adults that you support both within your organisation and your community. By learning about safeguarding and how to develop a safeguarding culture so that you and your community will be better equipped to support Adults who may be at risk of abuse.


  • Find out about Safeguarding and your obligations to it.
  • Learn about the 6 Principles of Safeguarding.
  • Discover how to identify adults in your organisation or community who may be at risk.
  • Learn about recognising the signs of abuse.
  • Learn how to Report Concerns and Respond to Allegations
  • Introduction to the newly launched "Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015"
  • How to develop a Safeguarding Culture

This course aims to enable to learner to understand:

  • The principles of safeguarding
  • The indicators of abuse
  • The roles, responsibilities, and actions a person should take in safeguarding adults at risk of abuse.
  • Learn about newly introduced Legislation

As the learner progresses through the course, they will become aware of how to:

  • Recognise safeguarding needs and potential indicators of abuse with Adults at Risk
  • Respond appropriately and accurately to reports and allegations of abuse
  • Recognise Responsibilities and understand your responsibilities to safeguarding
  • Record important and relevant material accurately and promptly
  • Report any abuse allegations & where criminal activity is suspected contact the Gardai.


Delivered in person or virtually via zoom 

Safeguarding Investigations

Maighréad is an experienced Safeguarding Investigator. The goal of every investigation that she will undertake is to determine the facts surrounding the alleged conduct that led to the complaint. As an impartial, independent investigator she serves as a fact-finder and is very skilled at both interviewing and the interview process so that the interview questions are relevant, reveal the facts of the matter, and enable Maighread to make credible determinations.


A safeguarding culture prioritises the quality of the work being delivered, has strong leadership and employs a competent and safe workforce.

We offer consultancy in the area of Adult Safeguarding and specifically on how to ensure your organisation has a positive safeguarding Culture. Services include:

  • Systems Analysis
  • Safeguarding Inquiries
  • Governance Reviews
  • Training
  • Service Reviews.